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Land Query
Tenure Query
LandQuery is a free service provided by Singapore Land Authority (SLA) that offers first hand information on whether
a plot of land is State Land, Statutory Board Land or Private Land. The first hand ownership information displayed
is based on the State Lease issued.
For details on the registered ownership under the Land Titles Act, you will need to conduct searches on the public
land-register maintained by SLA.
TenureQuery is a free service provided by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). You will be able to obtain information on the tenure of private property issued with a Title Document by using this service.
The information is based on State Titles issued and Private Leases lodged and registered by SLA.
For more details on the tenure of the property, you will need to conduct searches on the land-register maintained by SLA
Date of Extraction: 31 Aug 2017
Update Frequency: Half Yearly
Data provided by SLA
To continue using this service, you must accept the Termsand Conditions.
Please click on the map or fill in the lot # to start searching for land information.
Land Lot Map
Land Lot Search
Please click on the map or fill in the lot # to start searching for land information.
Land / Strata
Land Lot Map
Tenure of Property
Lot Number: TS28-00901T
Marina Square
address here
MRT Station
Bus Stops
The service enables you to check past 3-year resale HDB transacted prices as well as URA private
residential property with caveat lodged.
The objective is to assist potential property buyers in making informed decisions, taking into
account the prevailing trends in the HDB resale market and URA private residential property
transactions with caveat lodged.
HDB data is based on registered resale applications and is updated daily. URA data is updated
a week on every Tuesday and Friday.
The service enables you to check past 3-year resale HDB transacted prices as well as URA private
residential property with caveats lodged.
The objective is to assist potential property buyers in making informed decisions, taking into
account the prevailing trends in the HDB resale market and URA private residential property
transactions with caveat lodged.
HDB data is based on registered resale applications and is updated daily. URA data is updated
twice a week on every Tuesday and Friday.
The service enables you to check prevailing HDB sublet market rental as well as IRAS and URA
private residential property rental information.
The objective is to assist home owners and tenants make informed decisions, taking into account
the prevailing trends in the HDB sublet market rental and IRAS and URA private residential
property rental information.
HDB data is based on declaration by the flat owners in the subletting application and is updated
on the 2nd of each month. IRAS and URA data is updated monthly on the fourth Friday of every
month. If the schedule update falls on a public holiday, it will be updated on the following
working day.
Please note that the volumes of No-Fly-Zone (NFZ) shown here are for visualization purposes only.
For areas outside of the NFZ, please ensure that you operate your UA below 200ft AMSL. If you
to operate
above 200ft AMSL, you will need to apply for a permit at
Additionally, regardless of whether permits are required, you are also strongly advised to seek
positive permission from the building/land management directly or adhere to signage from land
management authorities before proceeding with your UA activity as restrictions may also be
imposed by relevant land management authorities.
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