OneMap is the authoritative national map of Singapore with the most detailed and timely updated information developed by the Singapore Land Authority. There are also many useful day-to-day information and services contributed by government agencies.
Our basemap collection is available in different colour schemes to suit any purposes.
EPSG:3857 (WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator)
Widely used by Web Services such as Google Maps and OpenStreetMap
OneMap leverages on open-source tools in development of maps and in serving of maps to user with our dedicated server.
Our maps are served at a higher performance by taking advantage of utilities found in SQLite for solving duplicate imageries.
Note: Under our Terms of Use, by using our base map services, you MUST include the OneMap logo and attribution:
Type | Links |
XYZ |{z}/{x}/{y}.png | XYZ (HD) |{z}/{x}/{y}.png |
Tile JSON (HD) | |
Mapbox Style (HD) | |
WMS | |
WMTS | | |
If you are using the official LeafletJS libraries, please use the following to intialize the basemap: